About us
Kudu was started by Dr. Warren Essey and Prof. Alexander Kusenko with the goal of creating high-quality learning materials integrated into a versatile learning platform, and making them available to the students for free or at a fraction of the cost of available alternatives. We offer digital textbooks supplied with an autograded online homework, high-quality videos, and a “clicker”. The platform is available free of charge, and our pre-built courses are offered for a low fee. Kudu is used by thousands of students at UCLA, UCSD, and other leading universities. The courses are well aligned with modern teaching practices, making it easy for instructors to engage students in active learning.
The digital “textbooks” we provide are fully editable, and professors are free to customize them for their courses. We also encourage professors to contribute content, helping to improve the catalog of courses offered through Kudu. Several of our courses started with open source materials and grew in quality via a community efforts of dedicated educators. We also offer universities a Free Textbook Initiative, in which the learning materials become free of charge after the cost of development is recovered.
Kudu is committed to supporting the academic ecosystem by offering student fellowships, sponsoring research conferences and other academic activities.
If you want to join us in development of modern, high-quality, low-cost learning materials, we look forward to hearing from you!